Engineering 100-950


A collection of useful cheat-sheets and diagrams you may find yourself referring back to over the course of the semester.


Arduino Debugging Checklist

If your Arduino is still not functioning after trying all of these steps, call an instructor over for help!

Arduino Nano Pinout

Arduino Nano pinout

Arduino Nano Tech-Specs

For more detailed specs, see the Arduino Nano website

Updating FTDI FT232 Drivers

On some occasions, your computer may not detect the Arduino, no matter what you do1. In this case, you likely need to update some drivers for the Arduino’s onboard USB-Serial converter. This is pretty straightforward, fortunately.

  1. Go to the FTDI VCP Drivers website.
  2. Scroll down and select the option for your computer’s operating system. Clicking on the link should start the download.
  3. Once downloaded, unzip the file.

The process to unzip the file varies between macOS and Windows. On Windows, right click the .zip file, click “extract all”, then click “extract”. On macOS, just click the .zip file. Your computer will automatically unzip it!

  1. After the file is unzipped, run the application inside the folder. This application will guide you through the rest of the installation process.

Voltage Divider

Voltage divider schematic

LED Anode vs Cathode

LED pinout diagram

Basic Circuitry Formulas

Voltage (V in Volts) = Current (I in Amps) * Resistance (R in Ohms)

Power (Watts) = Voltage (Volts) * Current (Amps)

Similarly, Watt-hours = Volts * Amp-hours

Resistor Color Codes

Resistor color code chart

TMP36 Wiring

TMP36 Pinout

  1. In our experience, this is typically seen on Windows computers, but could also happen on a Mac.