Engineering 100-950

Lab 7: Structures




For the temperature trials, we will use the cold chamber to simulate the cold that your PCB will have to endure in the atmosphere. You will use three different materials as insulation for your preliminary structures When you have sufficiently insulated your breadboard you will attach your batteries, and place it into the cold chamber. Make sure that you are writing data to the SD as fast as possible, and you will take data for about 4 minutes and plot each trial on the same graph.

Use 3 different insulations at your disposal. (possibilities include, hard foam, cotton balls, fluff, etc…)


For the Accelerometer trials, you will be dropping your payload very carefully from chest height. This will simulate a bit of the turbulence that your PCB will face. You will do 3 trials, each with different materials for padding. Make sure that your breadboard has sufficient padding on all sides and that you are dropping it in a way that the wires are still facing up when it hits the ground. Make sure you are writing data to the SD as fast as possible, and you will be recording data for the duration of the drop.

Plot each trial on a separate graph. Add the plots into your post-lab questions doc at the end.


On Canvas, you will submit ONE PDF that will include all of the following:

To put said content into a PDF, it is suggested you create a new Google Doc ( and paste your images and write any text in the document. Export/Download this document as a PDF and upload it. DO NOT SUBMIT A GOOGLE DOC FILE OR SPREADSHEET FILES.

Submitting anything other than a single PDF may result in your work not being graded or your scores being heavily delayed.